大葉大學工業設計系第十八屆 畢業展『CONTRARY THINKING 盼逆』
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Taiwan Young Designers Exhibition 2011
2011 May 20 to 23
Taipei World Trade Center Building 1
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設計師看事物總是看見不一樣的面相,以「逆向思維」的設計思想模式 Design for contrary thinking,期盼創造正向思考的世界。逆向思考的目的在對既有問題提出不同的看法以及提出具體解決作法。設計凡要從前後、左右、上下、正反等多方面去思考,破除傳統思想束縛,把垃圾變資源,無用變有用。換個角度看設計,可以得到較好的結果與生活環境。
In the world but not of the world.
逆向思考並非鼓吹事事與人唱反調,而是要破除對大眾追求的主流價值的迷思,我們提出 In the world but not of the world的新指標,設計經過反覆思考咀嚼消化,重新為世界定義新的觀點、新的眼光,我們生存在這世界上,但是不一定要被同化,我們期待新的價值觀被建立。反眾人之道,不拘泥也不墨守成規,破解眾人盲點,以求產品能夠向人傳達出正面能量。懂得逆向思考,保持開放的心態與鮮活的思維,隨時都可
CONTRARY THINKING Designers has always been checking all the things by the different aspects, based on the contrary thinking Design for contrary thinking expecting to create the positive thinking of this world, Popular discussion of "design thinking" has reached a point of contrary thinking is to offer the different points of view and propose the practical solution, Design is a thing that got to be concerned by all changing the way we think about the elements of creativity and innovation, breaking through the traditional restriction , turn the trash to the resources, making something from useless to useful, then it may end up with better consequence and better living environment.